Waterlase Laser Dentistry

State of the art care

Children’s Dental of Pocatello is now offering the latest technology in dental care….Waterlase Dentistry…


Why Waterlase Dentistry?

Doctors have used lasers for years to provide better care for their patients–in LASIK vision correction, for removing skin blemishes, and in all kinds of surgery. Now, thanks to your pediatric dentist, your child can benefit from advanced laser technology for his/her dental care, with Waterlase Dentistry.

Waterlase Dentistry was developed specifically to repair decayed and damaged teeth, and treat gum and other soft tissue in the mouth safely and comfortably. A Waterlase laser creates special, highly concentrated light energy, and sends it through an optical fiber to its handpiece. We use the handpiece to aim the laser energy and a gentle spray of water at precisely the areas to be treated. The laser replaces the use of a drill and eliminates the need for “sleepy water” injections in many cases.

Children’s Dentistry has chosen to invest in Waterlase to provide your child with the highest standard of dental care. 

Here are some of the benefits experienced with Waterlase.

  • More Comfortable
    Waterlase dentistry uses laser energy and a gentle spray of water to perform a wide range of dental procedures- without the heat, vibration, and pressure associated with the dental drill. With many procedures it is possible to use no anesthetic at all.

  • More Convenient
    Children’s Dentistry can often get your child in and out of the dentist chair faster, since it’s less likely that he or she will need an injection – research shows that the vast majority of patients don’t. It’s nice to avoid that injection, isn’t it? Not using anesthetic can allow us to perform procedures that used to require more than one visit in a single appointment.

  • More Precise
    Children’s Dentistry can remove decay far more precisely than a dentist using a drill. This saves more of the healthy parts of your child’s tooth.

  • Improved Cavity Fillings
    Waterlase cavity preparations can increase bond strength of tooth-colored restoration resulting in longer-lasting fillings.

  • Less Bleeding and Swelling
    Due to its conservative, gentle cutting action and coagulating capabilities, the Waterlase performs many procedures on soft tissue with little or no bleeding and less swelling. Children’s Dentistry uses the Waterlase to remove oral growths, fix a “tongue tie”, and relieve the pain of cold sores and fever blisters.

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